FengShui HomeCare - Body & Soul Therapies 

& Soul Retrieval - Shamanic studies - Healing retreats



Living Dining


Earth Rhythm is Schumann Resonances pulse that is the earth heartbeat.

Earth frequency is approximately 7.83 HZ  it is pure tone that resonates with humans. Most people's connection is distorted when we are disconnected. These waves help regulate our internal system. The sleep wake cycle.

When we are stressed we lose all connection to our natural rhythm. This is relaxation entraining into harmonice pulse that melts the disconnect.

Ancient healing techniques by spiritual masters have always relied on connection to all the elements.

In this video you can hear a woman speaking about her pulse connecting to natura rhythm. We work together through specific meditation techniques that tap you into the earth pulse.

Wikipedia   gives you detailed description of Schumann resonances and what it means to your health and the health of the planet. How that links earth to the universal frequencies.


Special Video     

Geopathic Stress and how it affects our loved ones. Our children often display symptoms of Geopathic stress by playing up and sleepless nights 

A documentry of Geopathic Stress insight into Living Planet